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Hall Tennis

Hall passed away January 1, 2007

1925 born January 8, 1925. Hampton, Va.

1943-1946 U.S.Marine Corps. Saipan, Tinian, Iwo Jima: Sasebo, Kyushu.

1946-50 Rollins College, BA. Creative writing, painting, Asiatic culture, film production.

1950-51 University of the Americas, Mexico, D.F., Mexico; Painting, serape weaving.

1952-66 Public relations, Florida Audubon Society, Inc.; then for State Welfare Board: writing, editing, photography, press relations, film production. Weekend painter.

1967-86 Threw out 90% of paintings. Went to Miami as Assistant to Dade County Manager.

1987 till now: Paris, Coconut Grove, Mill Valley, Ca., Ft.Walton Beach.

  1. Exhibits in eating-drinking places and corporate offices.
  2. Awards in juried shows at Ft. Walton Art Museum and Arts and Design Society. Widely known as cofounder of the Destin school of art.

  3. One man show in community's first Aids Seminar, the founding of OASIS, volunteer service organization.
  4. In private collections in Greenwich, Conn., Mill Valley and San Francisco, Ca., Makawao, Hawaii; Cairo, Egypt; Miami Beach, Inverness, Pensacola.

rev. 3-8-02

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